DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES (Chronological selection)

  • Master of Fine Arts in Preventive Conservation (UK), Northumbria University, Newcastle (UK) – with distinction, 22nd October 2008. Thesis: Archives in a Changing World: An Exploration into Sustainable Building for Archives in Belgium in Response to Global Climate Change.

  • Postgraduate “Preservation Management” (AU), School of Information, Library and Archive Studies (SILAS) the University of New South Wales (Australia) 1998.
  • Diploma “Conservatie en Restauratie Papier en Boek” (Conservation and Restoration of Paper and Books) (B), Hoger Instituut voor de Conservatie en Restauratie van het Boek (HICOREB – Higher Institute for the Conservation and the Restoration of the Book), with distinction, 27th June 1987. Thesis: “Preservatie, conservatie en restauratie van Papyrus” (Preservation, conservation and restoration of Papyrus). Promotor: Michael Fackelmann (Institut für Restaurierung, National Bibliothek, Wenen (AT).

  • Certificate Professional Bookbinding, Stedelijk Technisch Instituut, Gent (B), 18th June 1984.
  • Teacher Training Qualification, Pedagogisch Hoger Onderwijs,  Rijksleergangen voor Onderwijs, Gent (B), 22 juni 1976.

  • Diploma Ergotherapie (Occupational Therapy) (B), Stedelijk Hoger Instituut voor Paramedische Beroepen (SHIPMB), juni 1975, Gent.




  • “Low Energy Climate Storage”, FARO, Vlaams Steunpunt voor Cultureel Erfgoed, Brussel, 18th and 19th June 2012.
  • “Making the Islamic Book”, The Montefiascone Project, Montefiascone (IT), from 2nd to 6th August 2010.
  • “Low Energy Climate Control in Museums and Archives”, School of Conservation, Kopenhagen (DK), from 24th October to 1st November 2009.

  • “An Introduction in Byzantine Bookbinding Structures”, Holy Monastery of Saint John Theologian, Patmos (GR), from 27th to 31st August 2007.
  • “Management of Audiovisual Collections” (TAPE), the European Commission on Preservation and Access, Amsterdam (NL), from 28th September to 4th October 2005.

  • “Conservation of Seals”, Istituto del Bel Libro, Ascona, (CH), from 26th February to 2nd March 2002.
  • “The Use of the Vacuum Table”, Institute of Paper Conservation, Tate Gallery, London, (UK), from 13th to 15th February 2001.

  • “Management of Photographic Collections” (SEPIA), the European Commission on Preservation and Access, Copenhagen (DK), from 1st to 5th May 2000.
  • “Fundamental Techniques for the Restoration of Japanese Art on Paper”
, ICCROM, Geneva (CH) from 13th to 25th  August 1990.

  • Internship at the ”Institut für Restaurierung”,National Bibliotek, Vienna (Austria) in January - February 1988.


INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS (Alphabetical selection)

  • Dr. Gerhard Banik (D)
  • Jean Brown (UK)
  • Christopher Clarkson (UK)
  • Maureen Duke (UK)
  • Michael Fackelman (AT)
  • Verena Flamm (AT
  • Arthur Johson (UK)
  • Mogens Koch (DK)
  • Poul Larsen (DK)
  • Jen Lindsay (UK)
  • Denise Lubbett (UK)
  • Katsuhiko Masuda (J)
  • Renate Mesmer (D)
  • Sir Bernard Middleton (UK)
  • John Mumford (UK)
  • Ole Olsen (DK)
  • Tim Padfield (UK)
  • Dag Ernst Pedersen (D)
  • Nicholas Pickwoad (UK)
  • Cheryl Porter (UK)
  • Morten Rylh-Svendsen (DK)
  • Nicholas Sarris (EL)
  • Jan Storm van Leeuwen (NL)
  • Jiri Vnoucek (CZ)
  • Otto Wächter (AT)